Monday, June 10, 2013

What's the Title?

I am an indoor person - a home buddy some say.  I prefer staying at home and enjoy anything that I can do inside.  Like drawing, painting, cooking and even watching TV.  From morning show 'til late night documentaries.. Yes, I got my eyes and time on them.

But everything changed when I tried to climb a mountain.  I never thought that nature can be more beautiful as I expected.  That it is lovelier than what the pictures in the book or even the net can show.  Yes, I fell inlove with mountains.. with nature.

Mountaineering changed my life.  How I percieve things or even how I foresee the future.  I thought that living is just eating three (or more) times a day, sleeping every night and doing good things to other people.  But no, we are here in this world to love every God's creation.  To preserve and share it to everyone up to the next generation.  It's been a month since my last climb (and it's a failed climb since we got lost) but it feels like it's been a while.  I missed the smell, the tireness, the sweats.. Everything!  Yes, this may be addiction.  And I loved to be addicted.

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